AloCyber can assist clients to meet their cybersecurity challenges and identifying any gaps in an existing cybersecurity strategy. We do this through conducting Cyber Security Risk Assessment an integral part of an enterprise risk management process. With this service, we can perform a Business Impact Assessment
(BIA) to predict the consequences of disruption of a business function and process gathering information needed to develop recovery strategies. In addition, AloCyber performs Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) to analyze how personally identifiable information is collected, used, shared, and maintained.
Moreover, our development of a Business Continuity Program including a Framework, Disaster Recovery Plans, and Strategies can enhance the clients’ resilience against business interruptions.
Building a secure network infrastructure while maintaining performance and efficiencies across multiple environments is challenging.
Read MoreOur Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) technology experts at AloCyber can work with clients in
Read MoreCloud data security becomes increasingly important as we move our devices, data centers, business processes,
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